
Contributors' guide

The polyfill service is a community resource, designed for everyone, and welcomes contributions from everyone.

Contribution rewards

We want to encourage more people to get involved in the polyfill service, so the Financial Times is pleased to offer one month's free premium access to all FT content (normally $50) to anyone who has a pull request merged in this repository. Claim your free access.

Building and running the service

See the README for installation information

Contributing to the service

The service part of the project is pretty simple, and there are few strict conventions. In lieu of any formal standards, try to take care to follow existing conventions. Some of these are defined in .editorconfig and .eslintrc files.

Contributing to the polyfill collection

Our polyfills are where the varied talents of the open source community can make this service really great. Consider helping us out by adding, improving, testing or configuring a polyfill. The following detailed guides will help you get started:

Contribution terms

All contributions to the polyfill service are made under the MIT licence. It is important therefore that you agree to the following when contributing code to the service:

  • Any contribution I make to the polyfill service by way of Pull Request contains only data that is:
    • wholly my own work, upon which I am legally permitted to grant a licence; or
    • wholly the work of individuals within the same organisation to which the copyright in all work created by employees is assigned, of which I am a current employee and authorised representive for the purposes of this contribution, and which is legally permitted to grant a licence; or
    • licensed by the original author under the MIT licence or equivalent terms
  • In respect of any part of my contribution that is not already available under an MIT or compatible licence, I hereby grant to the Financial Times Limited (FT) and to recipients of software distributed by the FT a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the data.

It is helpful to us if you can clearly state your agreement to the above terms when creating a pull request. If you don't, you may be asked to post a followup comment to accept the terms, before we can merge your PR.